I learned years ago about what crystals and rocks can do for us humans. Every time I am looking for a healing aspect for myself I turn to the source of what the earth has to offer my body, mind and soul which in retrospect is rocks and crystals. My realization was that crystalline structures are the reflection of the healing component of the universal energy in earthly manifestation. It was discovered years ago that the basic mathematical symmetries found in music and physical form derives from energy of patterns. Patterns such as square, triangle, circle and these all formed over layers become a octahedron, icosahedron, tetrahedron, hexahedron, and dodecahedron shapes of cubes. These are called the sacred geometry of the numeric formula of divine design. When I meditated with shapes, I would see like a kaleidoscope in my minds eye. They would move in and out and twisting all around. I felt like a kid seeing all the magic within with all the colors and sometimes they were even in black and white colors. You ask how does this all pertain to rocks and crystals? Well mother earth is a creation of all that is and she forms the rocks and gemstones from minerals in the earths soils. I know in my heart that I understand that stones actually work with the electricity of my own mind and body at a souls level. As I change over time my energy vibration are drawn to different stones. I was taught that science has identified that the hormones in the body are actually crystalline in structure. The way they are released and sent through the body is identical to the growth of crystals. How cool is that? Science and spirituality goes hand in hand. Being a medium, spirit showed me beautiful ways how the science is downloaded into humans to make the discovers that we are making in this lifetime for ourselves. The more I discover and read about crystals, rocks, the stones can really heal yourself in all different ways and even manifest your souls desires with the true greatness of creators love.
Blessings of Love from my heart to yours Melinda